
Friday, 12 February 2010


The origins of my username are sadly prosaic - kirtle is just part of a nickname that one of my sisters has called me for years.
Years ago in the early days of my internet usage when we spent many hours in telnet talkers, I was originally known as Titus (Gormenghast was one of my favourite books at the time) but changed that to Fuschia (Gormenghast again) due to the unfortunate side effect that when sending direct messages you didn't have to write the person's full name, so Titus was inevitably abbreviated to Tit which caused immense hilarity amongst the teenage boys.
When I signed up for my first yahoo email address, kirtle was what jumped into my head and that it what I have used for pretty much everything online ever since. It's sad, but I almost identify as much with being kirtle as being Kirsty.

So where does your username come from?


  1. Mind was the result of me faffing about with the phonetics of my initials. Originally I used it as the surname for a Baldur's Gate character (the first name being a mashup of nicknames my sister used to call me).

    I started using it again when I signed up for Twitter. Until then I used Urban Gypsy as my online name, because I use that on my clothing labels. But people kept shortening it to "Ug" which, y'know... about as flattering as "Tit"!

  2. I love Urban Gypsy, it's a fab name for a clothing line! Rhiarti is great too and does actually suit you very well I think.
