
Wednesday, 17 February 2010


No title for this post, because there's no theme. Feeling particularly 'meh' right now, so here's a few random nuggets from the day.

- Swedes are known for not being very sociable in the winter, so it looks like Spring might actually be on the way. The old man from downstairs spoke to me in the lift this morning. He very kindly spoke slowly and in simple words so I could understand what he said, and I actually managed to respond with 3 whole words in Swedish.

- It's been snowing again all day today, and the weather forecast is predicting the same for another 8 days which is adding to the depression. Even the kids are starting to get bored of the weather now.

- Played XIII on the PS2 for the first time this evening; loved the style, but struggled immensely with the controls. It's a very very long time since I last played a first person shooter type thing, so hopefully with a bit of perseverance I might improve and not die every five minutes.

- Never underestimate how much excitement can be generated by the simple act of making biscuits and cutting them out with animal shape cutters with 3 small sous-chefs.

- My youngest will be starting dagis (preschool) in April for 15 hours a week, which means that I will have some time to myself for the first time really since the middle one arrived. She can't wait to go; I'm torn between being hugely excited and incredibly sad that my last baby is not a baby any more.


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