
Friday, 26 February 2010

Nordic Walking

After my trip there this afternoon, I wanted to write today's post on the Systembolaget, but was a little concerned that it had the potential to turn into another rant so I'll save it for another day. Instead I just wanted to mention the phenomenon that is Nordic Walking.

We see loads of people doing this round and about, mostly older people, quite often in couples, and it has fascinated me since we arrived. I don't know how much benefit there is to it but they all look quite fit and healthy when they're jauntily striding down the road, so I'm quite tempted to give it a shot. Mind you, strolling down a path that is narrowed from the snow with an old lady determinedly nordic walking towards you can actually be quite intimidating. I jumped into the snow out of the way just in case - those sticks are not supposed to have spikes on the bottom as far as I know, but there's no accounting for what home modifications these innocent looking white haired little old ladies might have done...

Here's a short semi-related video that made me giggle at the end:

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