
Monday, 1 March 2010

A bad day

Today I am having a bad day. Ok, I know that in the grand scheme of things it's actually nowhere near being a proper bad day, more of a string of petty annoyances, but I find myself less equipped than usual to deal with them in an adult fashion. Don't worry, I'm not going to bore you further with a detailed list of things that have gone wrong (and because if I did I would be forced to confront just how trivial they really are).

Anyway, the consequence is that I have more to do than time to do it in, so reluctantly I've had to admit that this is the least important thing on the list, and will not be doing a proper #oneaday entry today. Hopefully I will have pulled myself together by tomorrow...

Happy St. David's Day.


  1. Sounds like me yesterday. Oh dear, do you think you caught it from me? A Twitter virus of grumpiness? For what it's worth, it only seemed to be a 24 hour bug. Try some plum torte with vanilla ice cream: that seemed to do the trick!

  2. Heh - could be! Sadly no plum torte in the offing, but will see if Ben & Jerry's Phish food works as well...!
