
Tuesday, 2 March 2010

What's brown and sticky?

Ever noticed how you can have the same conversation multiple times with a straight face and then on the 25th time all of a sudden it is quite the most hysterical thing in the world?

This happened to me at tea-time this evening, all because of this:

And yes, I am more than 7 years old.*

I had bought the girls some miniature bars as a treat and as a result Mr.B had one of those 'things I never thought I'd say' moments when he told one of them, "If you don't finish your tea then I'll eat your Plopp." Things snowballed from there and I ended up in the serious giggles, tears rolling down my face and unable to breathe. But the funniest part? The kids had absolutely no idea why I was laughing so much (the only thing Plopp means to them is horrible gooey chocolatey caramel stuff) yet they giggled along with me anyway. Ok, maybe they were giggling at me, but still.

*(Although at times you may think otherwise. The correct answer to the joke in the title if you didn't already know is: a stick - one of the few jokes that always stupidly makes me laugh like a drain whenever I tell it to someone who hasn't heard it before.)

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