
Thursday, 4 March 2010

The power of film

There are many films that are extremely powerful and memorable in one way or another, but believe it or not, in this instance I'm actually talking about the Blair Witch Project. I remember vividly going to see it; I was living in Switzerland at the time, but there was one small cinema in town that showed US films with subtitles rather than dubbing. A friend was over for a visit and it seemed like as good a way to spend a Saturday afternoon as any. Unfortunately we would have been better off in the pub. Original? Yes. Scary? Erm.... not really. We spent most of our time giggling at the lazy subtitling - there was one point where the female character screams and swears at one of the others for a good couple of minutes, and what did the subtitles say? 'Non.'

Anyway, it was coming to the end and I was ready to write it off as something of a disappointment (particularly considering the hype) when we came to the last scene. For some reason this image freaked me out, probably more than it should.

So when I turned round this afternoon to find my eldest daughter stood with her face pressed into the corner of the lift I admit it did send a few chills down my spine momentarily. Simply because of a 5 minute piece of film that I last saw 10 years ago.

(She said it was because the lift was smelly and she thought that by sticking her face into the corner she could escape. And nobody hit me over the head while I was looking at her.)

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