
Monday, 18 January 2010

Why I'd love to do #oneaday, but....

For a proper explanation of #oneaday click here.

I was intrigued by the concept of #oneaday when I first saw it appear in my twitter stream at the beginning of the year, and have been reading some of the participating blogs with interest ever since.
There have been a few times that I've considered joining in as I'm really good at starting blogs, but not so good at keeping them updated, and thought that perhaps this would be a motivator for me to get going and be a little more consistent.
And really, how hard can it be to write a quick blog post every day? (Actually, a lot more difficult than you might think.)
My hesitation to join the collective stems from a couple of things. Firstly, self-discipline has never been my strong point (as is evidenced by the fact that I'm writing this when I should be doing my Swedish homework that is due in... tomorrow morning and isn't started yet); and secondly, my worry that an inability to be able to think of anything to write about will merely hammer home to me just how dull my life is at the moment.
Not to mention the fact that some of the stuff I've been reading is really good, and I fear everything I manage to cobble together will look third-rate in comparison.
However, despite all that, I'm going to see if I can post something on here for the next few days, and we'll see how it goes. With a bit of luck it will eventually kickstart my other writing as well which has been sorely neglected for quite some time.
We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. Oh it would be so wonderful to have you on the #oneaday crew! Anything can become habit if you do it often enough... actually, that was part of the reason it came into being in the first place: to help aspiring writers and expert procrastinators overcome the latter to get better at the former!

    Honestly I feel like I'm living such a profoundly dull life right now, and still manage to come up with something to waffle on about each day.

    You're a lovely, interesting intelligent woman. Try joining #oneaday - you might find you surprise yourself too!
